21 May 2008

Sorry about the lack of posts.

I've been really busy recently, I've just started Piano Lessons again finally and have been trying to raise the money to get a proper piano stool as at the moment I'm using a chair which is the wrong height, if you'd like to help and enjoy posting on forums you could sign up under me at Mylot here and just be active.
I'm also still studying for grade 2 singing and am going to do my first solo, only at a work shop in front of other students but it will be a start. I'll be singing a song called "The Oak And the Ash" which is an old English folk song and I think is very nice so I'm looking forward to it.
My chilli plants and catnip are doing really well I'll post some pictures of them in the next couple of days too, I'll also try and participate in Blog Your Blessings Sunday again soon as I do enjoy it.


Unknown said...

Hey Nancy - stumbled here while checking out the now demised BritBlogs.

Here's a gift for you - hopefully to inspire you with your piano playing -


- & yes - a stool of the correct height is very important.

SandyCarlson said...

Good luck with all your work!