28 August 2009

Good Results From Tumbling Tom Tomatoes.

  Plants looking very dry

I've grown 2 varieties of tomato this year one called Tumbling Tom and the other one I got free with a magazine called Gardeners Delight. Tumbling Tom Are dwarf plants designed to grow in containers and Gardeners delight are a normal sized variety.

I wish I had used larger containers for the Tumbling Toms now as the plants keep getting blown over and I don't tend to visit the garden they are in for a few days at a time so they've been laying on their sides quite a lot of the time. They also kept drying out but despite this I'm still getting loads of nice cherry sized tomatoes off them every time I go down to check on them and give them some water. So I highly recommend them if you are short of time for watering etc, I just fed them about once a week and they gave me lots of tomatoes even when left dry and on their sides.

This is just what I picked last Saturday along with one of the chilli's I've been growing outside this year. The two chilli plants that are there are ones that I grew last year that survived and are still growing chilli's now, some of them have started growing red too not grown green then ripened to red which seems unusual.

Different varieties Tumbling Tom Seeds available on Amazon now.

And Girls, check out "The Girl's Guide To Grow Your Own"

Windswept looking Chilli Plant 


1 comment:

Mabel said...

hi there. arrived at your blog from morachat. by the way, nice tomatoes- wish i can grow that i my garden to someday.