18 February 2007

My Sunday Blessing-The Internet.

Life was very different before I discovered the internet, the world was smaller place and I had few friends who didn't live near me. I wasn't being as creative as I should have been, I wasn't writing enough, and I only had books if I needed information.

Now I talk to people all over the world who I share interests with and take advice from and give advice to. In times when I've been really low and alone I wasn't alone because I had my computer and people to talk to who were hundreds and even thousands of miles away from me to comfort me. I have a few old internet friends I need to look up again who I haven't spoken to for a long time, if they read this blog then hi, I hope you are OK and I'll get in touch soon.

It's not only the social aspects that make the internet such a blessing it's also the vast amount of information you can access in a few clicks on any subject you desire. somewhere someone has written something about everything, you just have to find it and bookmark it.


Dan Bourke said...

Hi Nancy, and thanks in advance for your time.

I'm a Cardiff University student and am writing a study on citizen journalism and its impact on the journalism industry...

I'm hoping to distriubte a simple, email survey to 100 bloggers such as yourself and was wondering if you would be willing to participate? It would only need two to three minutes of your time.

I look forward to hearing from you,

Many thanks again,

Kindest regards,


kuanyin333 said...

I'm with you on this blessing you posted---I love the internet...it's such a blessing having a gigantic library at your fingertips! Happy BYB Sunday!

Anonymous said...

Happy BYB Sunday.........

Great Blessing isnt it ..... without it there would be so much less in our worlds.

CyberCelt said...

What do you think the chances would have been of you on the Isle of Wight and me in San Marcos, Texas talking each Sunday?

Its a small world with the Internet.

Hopeful Spirit said...

Very good points. I'm so tired of hearing about the dark side of the Internet. It's nice to hear something positive.

You have a new design. Very nice. I do, too. Come check it out!

Blue Panther said...

The Internet is really a great blessing.

have a great week!


Whatever said...

One aspect of the internet that I find fascinating is that it did not really create anything --- it just made it easier to get to. The printing press allowed ideas to be communicated on a vast scale. The internet essentially gave that to everyone.