3 November 2007

Crystal of the week - Citrine

I thought I'd new segment as I already sometimes do Goddess of the week and herb of the week, so here's the first crystal of the week.

One of my favourite crystals is Citrine, I recently bought a new Citrine cluster and have a raw point I use too that I keep on my desk most of the time.

It’s good for creativity and attracting wealth, especially when placed in your wealth corner (furthest left hand corner from our front door). It’s also a powerful cleanser so powerful it never needs cleansing as it cleanses itself which is handy, and it’s good for cleansing the chakra’s particularly the solar plexus and naval.

It’s great for raising self esteem confidence and enhancing creativity it also helps you develop a positive attitude. It’s also good for improving concentration and relieving depression and phobia’s, it holds the power of the sun and just generally lifts you when it is around.

1 comment:

SandyCarlson said...

This is interesting. I have never quite understood crystals or how they are used or how these uses were derived. You taught me something this a.m.

Happy blog your blessings Sunday.