10 January 2007

Magical Herb/Plant Of The Week - Rosemary

One of my favorite herbs, it's easy to grow (and is grown to attract elves apparently) smells beautiful, and has many culinary and Magical uses as well as healing properties. I use the essential oil in my bath to lift my spirits when I'm feeling unmotivated as it is a natural anti-depressant and is recommended as a tea for this purpose, another recommended cure for depression with Rosemary is to powder the leaves wrap them in linen cloth and bind it to your right arm.

When dried and burned as an incense it has purifying and cleansing qualities it is one of the oldest incenses, as an incense it is also said to promote love and lust. To ensure a good nights sleep free from nightmares place Rosemary under your pillow, and for protection while you sleep place it under the bed. If hung on the porch and door posts it keeps thieves from the house, it is also said to aid memory and preserve youthfulness when worn. To receive the answer to a question burn Rosemary on charcoal and smell it's smoke. It's also said to be lucky for brides and soothing at funeral parties.

Sources- "Cunningham's Encyclopedia Of Magical Herbs", and the care 2 website, Post title is a link to their interesting page about Rosemary.

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