15 January 2007

Pagan Books - Review - Goddesses And Angels- By Doreen Virtue.

Doreen Virtue has a PH.D. in counseling Psychology, is fourth generation meta physician and works with the Angelic elemental and ascended masters in her writings, and she also does workshops on angel therapy. Doreen Virtue has famously designed many angel cards and also does Angel readings.

She has written over 20 books as well as Goddesses And Angels: Awakening Your Inner High-priestess and Source-eress on many subjects including Rainbow children, Chakras and Angels. She also designed the angel cards that are becoming increasingly popular, Her website angeltherapy.com is here.

The first and main part of the book is about the authors spiritual journey and how different Goddesses and Angels helped her along the way. She travels to some pretty interesting and sometimes exotic places too including Sedona, Hawaii, the Polynesian Island of Moorea, and Lourdes, she even visits a goddess temple in Glastonbury England (the town not the festival). She also discusses her discoveries about the new rainbow children (children with strong psychic powers often misdiagnosed with ADHD, or ADD to American readers), The Merpeople and Lemuria.

The second (and much smaller) section is about the Goddesses and Angels themselves, It's like a Goddess/Angel guidebook if you will, and what situations you should call on them to help you with, this part is easy to use and understand. The Goddesses and Angels particular powers are all listed in one part as a chart, and then all the Goddesses are listed in a another section with a small write up about them. She only talks about the major Goddesses, but a book about all of them would be massive so I can understand why. It's a nice book about angels and goddesses to have if you don't require much detail just a short description.

I found this book very useful and got a lot from reading it personally, I found many parts of Doreen's spiritual journey quite moving to read about and would recommend this book to Witches and pagans and also anyone who wants to find out more about The Goddesses and Angels and how to call upon them for assistance.

Dooreen Virtues Book available on Amazon Now

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