2 February 2006

My Altar at Imbolc

I managed to find a yellow candle and you can just about see the doll in her brides bed, I did also put some milk and bread outside as an offering, as well as leaving a ribbon to be blessed (it can later be used for healing purposes. As I said earlier hopefully I'll have more money next year, and be able to get the ingredients for the recipes I had planned.


Anonymous said...

OMG, I am soo horrible! I've been so stressed with school I totally forgot about Imbolc! What is wrong with me????

Anonymous said...

P.S. Love the altar!

Maethelwine said...

Who does the doll represent, and why is she in bed?

Unknown said...

The doll represents the godess Brigid, i didn't mention she's meant to be a bride too, I'll do another post.